Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms which encompasses numerous sub disciplines including
1. Bacteriology- a) General Bacteriology
b) Systemic Bacteriology
2. Virology
3. Parasitology
4. Mycology
5. And Immunology
All Systems include medically important bacteria, virus and parasites.
Subjects includes two assessments within 1 year of course. 1st assessment includes general and systemic Bacteriology and Immunology. 2nd assessment includes parasitology, mycology and virology. All lecture classes, examinations,tutorial and practical classes are conducted as per university rules. According to BM&DC course curriculum this subject is included in the 3rd professional MBBS Examination.
In our Microbiology Department, there are three professional (One Professor and tro Associate Professor) and 4 lectures are present. There is well equipped laboratory,tutorial class rooms and teaching aids.
Responsiblity of the Department of Microbiology
To teach the 4th year MBBS students regarding the basic mechanism of diseases, causative agents, clinical co-relation of diseases,interpretation of laboratory results and their implications.
Kumudini Women’s Medical College (KWMC) was established within the umbrella of Kumudini Welfare Trust in 2001. The aim is to materialize the dream of the founder by enrolling enthusiastic, dedicated and academically gifted female students who would pursue education which meet their needs and respond to the demand and opportunities of medicine, science, ethics and public policy.
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